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Adithya, 39 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 19 years ago, profile updated 4 months ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
Hello..greeting from bali
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2017
inactive user
I was looking for gore flicks that have some art to their splatter [ Yes, I've done with Cannibal Holocaust and Aftermath and the like ] but I wanted that used gore as a symbol rather than as a 'woohoo. because it makes money!' device. Plus I was nosing around Japanese cinema. I was lucky enough to come across the golden combination.

Movies aren't really a passion of mine. I just watch a few I find likeable. I go the reading way.
inactive user
'cogito ergo sum' - That's a first here.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2010
Hey! Don't forget to take a breather..after all, we know what all work and no play will turn Jack into!

and to answer your questions, yes, I have been in bangalore for 2 weeks now.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2010
You've been busy?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2010
Your Hindi is that poor? Quite a typical South Indian guy we have here!Lol....Having been born and brought up in Central India, I am pretty fluent in Hindi, so may be I could teach you a thing or two!

Bangalore is an awesome city. I am going to intern there for a month this November. So looking forward to some fun. I am from Bhilai? Do you think you have heard of it?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2010
You will have to translate that for me now.

Law in India would hardly require the skills of a translator. I mean, if you can translate Hindi into English, you'd come in handy...but we have no space for a foreign language here as far as i know!

The book is Battle for Christabel by Maragret Forster. It talks about the life of a translator in Britain. How her life is so hectic and so full of travelling that she does not want to get married or have kids. It is pretty interesting!

Where do you live right now?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2010
Ignorance is always bliss!

And If I knew where my vision lurks and wanders presently, I'd bring it back and it wouldn't be lost anymore. But no such luck.

So a translator huh? I once read a book about the life of a freelance translator and it seemed pretty fun. Travelling incessantly and meeting new people, getting involved in new projects. Sounds like one hell of an interesting job. So have you decided on a language yet?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2010
So, how has your experience been with the unexpected disaster you were expecting? Or has it not happened yet?
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