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Chasseral, 57 y.o.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland [Current City]
Bern, Switzerland [Hometown]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 114.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Alyssa. What should I call you?
inactive user
Nice to meet you. I teach 3rd grade here in the US.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2023
Thanks for the heads up on the swissgerman. I have heard that before but I thought it was just like an accent. So I heard that the French in CH is Francais simplified.
In California USA we all speak Spanglish. Mixing the two languages it is a local inside joke.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2023
How good do you speak German
inactive user
Vtre profil est très sympathique.
J'apprécie l'image du bus. J'ai l'impression que cela donne de la liberté. J'aime bien.
Personnellement, j'aime bien aussi voir les années passer. J'ai 61 ans et bientôt 62. Mais, étant bébé je n'étais pas viable. Il a fallu plusieurs années d'hôpital pour que je le sois. Et maintenant, je suis en super forme... Alors à chaque fois que je pense à mon âge, je me dis "Ouah!!! C'est cool ! Je suis encore là !"
inactive user
I like that bit about the bus. That's about how it works :-)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2019
Hi, Greetings from Toronto. If you'd like a pen friend in Canada, drop me a line,
PS: Happy 2019
inactive user
Thank you! oh, you made El Camino de Santiago, that's awesome! I want to do it someday
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