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Suji, 33 y.o.
Osan, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 110.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2010
Hello :) Sorry for my late reply, but the end of vacation was very busy. My cousin was with me a few days, we went shopping and one day we went to palace-museum in Wrocław to see an exhibition about history of the town, it was so interesting. With cousin I changed colour of my hair from natural brown to something like orange and I looked really good, but just for few days, it was a colouring shampoo :D Then it was my friend's birthday, so with other guys we went to him with birthday cake and I made a special gift for him (handmade game :D) and he was suprized ;) And on the last day of summer vacation I went to the cinema with my friend for Inception (really good movie).
And today it's first day of school. I have a new physic teacher! Interesting how is he. I'm bad in physic, so I hope, that he is nice... :)
About weather... Now it's raining and cold, unusual weather for September, usually it's warm and sunny this time. From the end of September to the end of November it's Autumn - red, orange, yellow and brown leaves on trees, a bit rainy and colder than in Summer. Sometimes we say that's 'Gold polish Autumn'. Then in winter is really cold, about -20 Centigrades and a lot of snow, this time we often go to the Kitty Mountain to sledge, it's nice, but I hate when my hands pains because of freezing cold. Winter has good sides too - hot tea in home :D And my fav season is Spring, because all flowers and other plants are green, it's going to be warm and world looks like beautiful, birds are singing and people are happy because of the end of long, cold winter.
What about seasons in Korea? what's Your favourite?
And write me about Your everyday life :)
Lots of greetings!! :)))
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2010
im hungry, let's go hongdae !!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2010
Yes, I saw Your pics, sweet bears! And You have really nice shirt :) On September I'm going to the last class of this school, I'll have exams, confirmation and a big party on the end of school year, I can't wait to choose the dress^^ but I'm a bit scared about exams and choosing high school :( Some days ago I had meeting with my class, we made a fire and roasted sausages and bread and played volleyball and badminton toghether. It was so nice :) I have 30 people in my class, what about You?
Actrees from Amelia is beautiful, I think :) She has a little bit unusual hairstyle in this movie, but even in this hair she looked great.
Snail-mailing is amazing, one time I wrote with one girl from Korea, but one day she deleted her profile and stopped to write to me :( So maybe we can snail-mail in future, I think it's very, very nice and I'm open :))
My friends... Oh, be ready to long story ;D
Kinga - we met us first time in primary school, so our friendship is really long and hard. She's short, has brown eyes and hair and I think, that she's really pretty. Her mum, sister and brother lives in Spain, because her mum works there. But Kinga lives here in Poland, with her grandparents, because she doesn't want to change school and friends, so she left here. She learns very good and she's responsible. In her room it's always clean, sometimes I envy her that things, hihi. She's very imaginative and creative and we're toghether in Odyssey's of the Mind team. She's the best of the best friends and I can tlak with her about everything and go to her even at 4am :D
And it's everything for today, I have to go,
see You soon! xoxo
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2010
I really enjoyed Your message, thank You!! :) Yesterday I met one of my best friends. I didn't see her since the start of summer vacation (two months ago!) because we were in fight. But we said 'sorry' and now it's good between us, I'm glad about it :) We spend all day toghether and we watched a movie 'Amelia', its action is in France :) So I think You could enjoy it to. Film is really interested and so, so nice. Beuty music in it. It's about a girl, her name is Amelia and she is a very special person and has special friends in Paris.
I don't know this Irish band, but I think I'll know them. Can You recommend to me Your fav song of this band? ;) What kind of music do they play? :>
Place with bears, sounds great! Is it near to Your town? Can You send to me some pics from there? :) I sent to You photos of my cousins, did You see it? ;)
Last days I made an angel by a triangle shaped candle (it's her dress), little ball (head) and many little things to decoration. She's so charming and I think I'll make more angels :) Do You like to draw, paint or make other art?
Now I'm thinking about school :( Notebooks, books and others. But I have to buy a bag to school, it's one good think in it, haha :D I found on net really nice bag with cat in flowers, oooh I'm in love with this bag :D
Tell me about Your friend. What's her name? How is she? What does she like? and what do You want :)
bye, bye :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2010
Hello :)
It's possible that reading is helpful to write, You're right :) My friends say that I eat books :D Because I usually read about 4 books weekly. For me it's normal, haha. Hm... my fav book is Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder, probably it's swedish writer, but I don't know for sure. It's about a boy, who is reading a letter from his dead father, about 10 yeras after his father's death. And I won't say more, because if I say, story will be not interesting :)
Gloomy days... I like a cartoon, wchich is calling 'Ruby Gloom', do You know it? ;> And this Friday the 13th wasn't bad for me, I met my gos friends and we went to special place, when we can always be alone and we played the guitars and singed all loud :D On rainy days I like to... read books, hihi. But not just. I like to sit next to the window, light the candles, and this long things, wchich make smoke and smell beauty, do Yo know? I don't know this word ;)
Today is very important for me, because last year I met my boyfriend first time! It was on a special event in my town. It was a 'day of knights' and everywhere were horses, knights and women in old-fashioned dresses. He helped in organisation of this event and I went there to see a performance about knights. I know his friend and he introduced me to him. We were sitting on grass, near to performance (it was in night, because it was a lot of fire in this performance) and talking about everything. :)
Train trip! Awesome :) I wish You a good travel. I hope that You will tell me about this trip next time. Where are You going to go? :)
A lot of greetings! <3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2010
Oh, so amazing, that You met Your friend from France! I really envy You :) I have some photos of my cousin, I can send it to You on priv :) And I had guests in my home last three days! My aunt, uncle and their children: 2 y.o. boy and two girls 8 and 11 y.o. It was really nice time with them, we went to zoo and saw a lot of animals. For me, the best was the place with butterflies, because we were in a place where butterflies flied around us! And on of them looked like a leaf! First time I thought that it's a real leaf and then he moved and I was suprised! Fabolous! :) And next day we went to big city next to my town, its name is Wrocław and it's beautiful place. I dream, that I will live there in future. In old part of town there are a lot of beauty buildings and in them there are many nice, little shops. And vibe there is magic! And there's a university, so maybe I'll study there... I hope :) And next Thursday my cousin will come to me, so we will have a great time toghether. I'm really happy. :)
It's Friday the 13th today. Some people in my country believe that it bring to them bad luck. Is it similar in Korea? ;>
I can't understand Summer too. But movie is nice, it's similar like 'Happy go lucky', have You seen it? ;)
And I saw Once, love songs from this film! <3
But I prefer books, I love reading. What about You? ;)
Oh, I wrote a lot, hihi :D So, see ya!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2010
I'm back here ;) My cousin went to Croatia when I was there, so I spent this time with my aunt xD But it was nice, I looked after my little cousins (1 y.o. and 2,5 y.o.) and I lived in a house, it was great for me, because I live in a block of flats, it's horrible. We made a barbecue one night and I whaped a pot, haha :D My uncle told us fearful histories, but everyone laughed at it ^^ Oh! And I saw two moles running trough the garden there, wow :D Of course I went shopping, because now there are a lot of summer sales and I bought many clothes :)
What did You do this time?
PS: In my town it was a night of movies in local cinema (from 9pm to 6am) and I saw 500 days of summer there, I enjoyed it. And I saw 'A nightmare from elm street', 'gran torino' and two other polish films. And I falled asleep just one time! :D I'm really proud.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2010
Oh really? Thanks. :''> lol.
That's very nice. I really want to visit your country too. You know I really really love Korea. It's my dream to go there. After I graduate college I'm going there. I really want to experience living there.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2010
I'm doing great. :D how about you?
I hope we can be good friends. :D
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