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Rivkiey, 32 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 677.
inactive user
latihan lg kul wkwk
inactive user
T^T I ammm nootttttttt ~

LOLOL oHHH yeaHh tHAAts OkaaaYY ii hhave Onee WeeK hOliddAyy Okaaayyy, that's good enough for me. :L

nah joeks. I'm still jealous. Tad jealous. T^T

so what do you do during the holiday again? just stay home? and sleep ? :L
inactive user
I'll be sad if I am obesed T^T


D: but you can't sleep from 6 in the morning until 6 at night, you have to go to school and stuffs D: hahaha unless you have holiday.

lol yeahh.. I think I just need a lotta practice >^<
inactive user
OMGSHHH YES! haha that's why most Aussies are. .
wait nah that's mean.. D: I mean, some aussies are obesed.. ><

oh okay okay >< I fasted yesterday, it wasn't that bad. but that's cause it's winter here, I don't know if I'd stand fasting for a day in humid weather ><

molarities easy for you? No no I mean, the whole concept about moles.. finding the volume of gas, the mass and the number of particles.. omgshh T^T you must be a genius. honestly, I dont' get any of that. =="
inactive user
Hahahah. Well, burgers and hot dogs, and steaks, and meat pies, they're the typical aussie food. Bet you know some of them :L I'd rather eat Kwetiau, do you know that? The chinese noodle thingy? LOL

Yes it definitely is. But Chemistry is still hard, and I think... referring to the chem and Physics exam I just had, I found Physics easier. Idk, it's more of a personal reference. I think it's cause I like Physics, I don't know. lol

Are you guys past finding moles and stuffs on Chem? it's the hardest thing to understand =="
inactive user
hahaa. well, that's sometimes. I don't know why xD

Favourite Aussie food? hmmmmm.... I like roast lamb in winter cause lambs do make you warm, and I like Meat pies, especially those ones with mushrooms in it. What's ur favourite food?

I do study >< it's just that.. Chemistry.. is like the hardest subject at the moment.. and I'm getting good marks in other subject, just not chemistry, and when the scores are averaged to get rank, the score I get for Chemistry brings my rank dowwnnn ):
inactive user
Ahahhh :3

Ohh yeah, dudeeee, it's depok. Who's never been to depok xD

ohh well you know, when she cooks sayur asem or rujak or gado gado, and cause she usually makes it spicy and I can't eat spicy food X(. But otherwise her cooking's absolutely georgeous. No sarcasm.

oh, and it's
i GO TO college. :)

Ahh I'll be in college soon.
well, hopefully. Chemistry is scaling my rank down sooooo looowwww. x(
inactive user
AHAHAHAH. it takes much more than just that to make me cry. :P

yeahh I did :D haha. Haven't I told you? O_o Where in Indo do YOU live?

ohhh yeahh haha I like fasting. especially when I don't like the food that my mum's cooking, I'd usually just tell her I'm 'fasting for the day' and she'll be like
'oh arright. too bad.. ' xD

D: you still haven't answered my question about the holidayy T^T is it just your school or other schools have it as well?
inactive user
HAHAHAHAHA. yeah yeah whatevessss T^T
haha thanks :)

Yeah of course I know Ramadhan :L I lived in Indo until I'm 10 years old, LMAO. I don't fast cause I'm not muslim. Well- sometimes I do, just for the fun of participating in it, but yeah.

But is that why you guys have 3 months holiday though D:? SO LUCKY ><
inactive user
ehEHEHEHheh *sarcastic laugh*
dude. is it because or Ramadhan? D: I'm soooo jealous T^T I'm having exams, again, T^T

ahaha I go on this a lot but I don't do anything. Basically doing the same thing as you are. lol
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