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Mimi, 31 y.o.
Cape Town, South Africa [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user
hey hey hey cooks are you still alive?mwahz
inactive user
hey hey hey lol - yes yes its me!!!!I know its been a while hey just sooo busy at work and weekends i PARTY ALL THE TIME and dont really like accessing this site on my fone its tooo slow!!! HOW ARE YOU???? what have you been getting upto?????????oooolalalla ure getting a bb???AWESOMENESS BABES* xoxo
inactive user
Hey babes - Sooo youre on holiday and its probably party all the time hahahaha...i hardly come on here..i was thinking about deactivating it again hahahah..i can give you my mxit number but im not even on there hahaha

Guess what its FRIDAY again ...whoop whoop..have a superduper day babes*
inactive user
lol i dont think ive ever hear someone say i wrote awesome when it concerns math...

GOOOOOD luch with BUSINESS that was my FAV subject ever - got an A for it* I studied and got no sleep @ all* I use to make my mom stress hahaha - she use to be soooo worried about me...but sleep is for the weak...and its your last paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wooohoooooooo xoxo
inactive user
LOL 0h My word is it Exams already???Shame babes - this weekend it chilled for me - i dont know if you watch the Ellen Degeneres Show but she mentioned this movie - THE WOMAN IN BLACK - i think harry potter starrs in it ...She said its scary - So im watching that tonight and im not sure about the rest of the weekend. I hope you tests are easy pezy lol xoxo
inactive user
Hey Missy - Hope yu had a fab weekend!!! I ended up @ the maynardville Carival, Stones and Campsbay the friday to saturday morning got home around 4am. Saturday went to a braai and got home sunday afternon...Sooo im TIRED and miss my bed hahahaha - What did you get upto?
inactive user
lol i second that
inactive user
Guess what - ITS FRIDAY lol
inactive user
water in the nail polish???? why does she do that?? and what exactly do yo wana know?? the ones that look all wrickled up??
inactive user
lol yes as in for real for real - no lies what soooo ever- i do them weekends because some of the things take a while and a lot of patience and i dont have much patience during the week lol
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