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Douglas Robidoux, 35 y.o.
Tallaght, Ireland [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 164.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2010
Oh wow I'd totally love to go to grad school in Ireland that would be such a dream!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2008
hello. :)
inactive user
hey !! yep I sent it to Ireland but it\'s been very longtime, maybe 3 months, if you don\'t get it I think it\'s lost !!
maybe I made a mistake in the address, could you give me this again please ?
so, did you had good time in USA ? no, I dunno anchor man, what is it ?
my days are good, I\'ll be on holidays next week =)
how about you ?
inactive user
Have a nice flight then! and don’t worry. you can still keep in touch with your friend. Anyway, the party was really great! of course it was loud! How can a marriage party be quiet? lol there was lots of dancing, music, foods and etc! in Iranian weddings, there is so much of loud music, dancing and eating until very late at night! :-D
inactive user
herro yeah its been a while! how\'ve you been? im all good, got holidays at the moment and all my final exams finished... :] though ill have exams coming up next week again, oh well.
been to italy last week, that was rather sweet as well! anyways, so you\'re in the us at the moment? on holiday as well?
anime convention sounds good, im not as much into anime any more as i used to be... i still love mangas though, if they just werent so expensive arrgh! anyways, was it good?
inactive user
I\'m great too !! It\'s nice to have some news !! are you on holidays ?
I was wondering, did you received my letter ? I sent it longtime ago !!
inactive user
hey !! longtime not see !! how are you ?
inactive user
Wow! cool! so, you like anime? I love them! :-D aww, that’s bad. so, is everything ok by now? I suppose my letter must have arrived there by now because I sent it a quite long time ago. I just hope it didn’t get lost or something! Aahh, today I was prepared to go buy new earrings for my cousin’s marriage party but just now, I received some guests :-S creepy!
inactive user
Hey Doug! I’m good. how about yourself? Things weren’t going so well but now everything’s taking a turn for better :-D what’s up on your side? Did you got my letter?
inactive user
oh thats cool, I live like 45 minutes from there.
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