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Alex, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 330.
inactive user
Heyyy... :D
do U wanna learn Polish??
inactive user
Thanks for reply.
How are you?
I'm fine.
Right now I'm listening to song "back to your heart" from backstreet boys that I've juct downloaded.
Have you heard it?
I really like it.
How is the weather there?Does it snow there?
Do reply
Your friend
Kausalya :)
inactive user
Hi Alex!
I'm Kausalya, an Indian girl,I read your profile and would like to be your friend if you are interested do reply.
inactive user
hey chris
wassup how r ya?
inactive user
heyyyyy im trandon
what up??
inactive user
Hi Alex.. how r u?
inactive user
i'll try to
inactive user
lol i've never seen that
inactive user
yeah babies do that =P
inactive user
aww cute
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