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Septian Aji Saputra Hartanto, 32 y.o.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 998.
inactive user
seeepppptiaaannnmissss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu muchhhh
inactive user are you?
inactive user
helloo :)
inactive user
suck me now
inactive user
sepppp sepp sepp foreveeer
inactive user
miss you too
I wait your reply to mymessage:P:P
no problem dear
inactive user

kabarku baik sangat kok....

sekarang sibuk apa aja???
inactive user
Huuh?? what is it??
inactive user
oooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooonggg msg seppp


ups what is dunno? ( I dont mean really) whatever

heheh I bellieve your love you are good boy

I trust you
Do you get me?

How so?


septian some logical thinking.

Are you gonna take me to take indonesia.

my father will not allow.

I dont have a money: D

I save money.

I will spend this money at university
student exchange program with indonesia maybe I'll come.
No need to hurry.

With a lot of money to obtain a tourist or whether

tourist girl tugce

are you like my name thats orginal Tuğçe :D

uhm what a gore gigs:S

my father is not allow you get me and we did to travel :)

heheh :)

yes we have not money.

but Im happy life is good actually I wanna go to the colleage

yes we are a good friends and a chatting a lot of more talking thats good best way

I was sawing faceboookk its so cute

and my friend (damla) want designed something for herself

sooo likee your designed so much

and you too have aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you hear to all:D
----------------------------------------------- wait this is a last message
I reply to first message

hheheh hee hee okay I will trying to this way

yeess I have a lot of indonesian friends and if indonesian peoples to my friend:D:D:D:D

yes you are my indonesian boy

good niteeeeeeee

selamat malam
selamat siang:D
intime here nite 2.21
hoam :D
inactive user
heloooo....long time no see..
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