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Kourtney, 39 y.o.
Clinton, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 248.
inactive user
Heyyyy I miss seeing you on here... how are things? I'm in Shanghai already :)
inactive user
Boooo yeh I know, it sucked major lame cakes! But at least I had a good night anyways with free drinks lol. 12 hours??? Feck offffff!!! That is crazy!! Stupid crash on the highway lol. I saw you's were wrecked when you got home! You felt peanut move??? Yayyyyy!!! That's so cool!!! :)
inactive user
Was good...I forgot to pay a small tab in the pub..woops but free drinks all the same so yay! hahaha. My hunk of burning love didn't show his cute little face..we couldn't find him :( sad times but we'll get him out again haha. The band was deadly though and I only had to pay for 1 drink for the whole's great having guys as friends lol
inactive user
I keep losing things today!!! I lost my train ticket and had to buy a new one and now Ive lost your stamp haha. That teaches me for not putting them in my purse haha. Your letter is going out tomorrow (sorry its late), was meant to go out today but..obvo not anymore haha.
inactive user
hi how are you ? I would like to talk with you take care kiss
inactive user
Im using my phone and everyting is teeny tiny haha. Oooh please dont hate me for seeing it :-( its just...well as you mentioned...johnny depp dude! He still has it goin on for a fine man of his age plus we share the same birthday so I just had to haha. Heads up was great haha. I love my johnny too :-P I havnt booked them yet, was too lazy to get up so ill book them tomorrow for saturday. Yay peanut!!! Just love it hehe
inactive user
ur welcome.. :)
oh good... it s the weather that u want :)
inactive user
me too
hmm nice beautiful pic profile.. :) u look so cute n pretty
inactive user
Haha I live with the family but wtf..I only went out for a few hours and I come home to this..cant go anywhere!! haha. Yeh I ALWAYS fall up the always haha. Awww thats great, you have to tell me straight away when you find out what peanut is ^^ the excitement!! haha. Yeh im grand today just tired and my feet and legs are still killin me from all that bloody dancin haha..can barely get up the stairs lol. Yeh I am took a while to change alright lol. Im booking my tattoos tomorrow so hopefully Ill be 2 more tattoos up hehe
inactive user
aww.. thank u very much for photo comment
how r u??
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