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Nina E., 34 y.o.
Norwich, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Oh wow, a person from the UK studying in Okayama! I have a friend from the UK here and she is pretty much the only Brit from the UK!

Hmmm let's see, tips? I don't know about tips, but if you are feeling insecure or something, you have no reason to, because Okayama is a very nice place to live in, the people are nice, and as I always say - it's big enough to have everything I need, but not too big (like Tokyo) to make me feel like I'm being choked by all the tall buildings and the uninterested masses of people walking you by daily. (True story, a Chinese girl who lived in Tokyo for a year complained that she was very lonely there - even though you'd think that isn't possible what with all of Tokyo's residents and all!)

If you have any questions about anything in particular, you can PM me, I'm happy to share information ^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2014
ALL the others? Like, you can't find even one that makes you go "*shrug*" or "*sigh*" rather than "yay!"?

You like dreams too? Okay, my turn to find something in common with you: I went to Japan as an exchange student too!
inactive user
Hey cool! I'm also going on my exchange to Japan.... though I'm going to Osaka. Anyway hope you're well!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2014
Do you speak english and portuguess?
if you can speak more language, “That's awesome
inactive user
I'm afraid i cant help you though nina san :'( as i too have an oral and listening to do as well as trying to motivate myself to do 2 essays :'(
inactive user
isnt the oral test on the 1st?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2014
Everything is PERFECT you don't have to worry haha I was so scared but finally it's awesome. People are amazing, really nice and stuff. They help you even if they are in a hurry. Oh yeah, the metro is expensive so you have to be carefull about that. Food is not that expensive (^^)
inactive user
im half brazilian: D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2014
nice smile.....
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