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Patrice, 39 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]
Martigues, France [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree
Université Aix-Marseille


Web developer

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 1 month ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 173.
inactive user
Hi my name is Valerie from la paz Bolivia may you please help me with English
inactive user
Hi my na
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2021
Hi nice to meet you
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2021
Thank you for visiting my profile!
Yours is awesome! xD Hope you have a great day!
inactive user
Trust me. It would have taken me a loooot more if I'd done it alone but I was carried. I've finished it alone with no shield and summons but I refused to touch the DLC. Did you have trouble with the Fume Knight?

I'm definitely going to have to get it installed soon because honestly, I feel like it would end up being my favourite game in the whole demonsoulsborne thing. How long did it take you to finish it? Are any bosses smelter levels of annoying/difficult? I swear I'm not really evil but you know, Jellybean has gotta do what a Jellybean has got to do. I got my win achievement so I don't care about winning anymore haha. If you see Roastyroastyroll then bully away! My names Killer of jellybeans on steam ^o^

They really need to work on that but honestly, they have done so well on it already. Working on improving servers would have taken some companies an insane amount of time to fix it but they went straight in. They'll get to it soon. I mostly play on PC and just use the PS4 for exclusives but it's PC all the way for me.
inactive user
I think the first time I went to fight him I took around... 20 attempts? And that was WITH help. I just couldn't work out his pattern of attacks at all. Worst boss in that game though? Lava... you know what I mean... I hated it >.> I've played 1 and half of 3 but I kept getting invaded and took a break, never to go back. Definitely recommend playing that one offline. A lot of people smurf on it. Bloodborne I own and really need to play because I love the aesthetic of it all. Did you enjoy it? You going to try Demon Souls when the remake comes out?

I am so sorry but also not sorry? I'm usually trying to grab a friend and catch someone else so I just started grabbing the odd jellybean haha. If it makes you feel better I often fail to qualify because of it. I wear a burger and the cactus pot bottom now. If you see me, make sure to wave and I'll leave you alone.

Oh that game... I've GRABBED people and not gotten their tail but they can get it from me from a mile across the map. Do you like Fall Ball? I know it's pretty hated

Sorry this ended up being such a long reply
inactive user
Dark Souls 2 was the first one I ever played so I think it just has a very special place in my heart, even if I got destroyed by the blue smelter demon a million times (I know he's called something different but I refuse to use that name) Have you played them all? Fall Guys is my new favourite game! Nothing is more fun than grabbing the jellybeans before they jump... too mean? You'll get your first win before you know it! You have a pretty awesome music taste btw :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2020
Your cat is so cute😸
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2019
Cet homme est un gentleman doublé d'un parangon de vertu. (j'avais envie d'être gentil aujourd'hui, mais t'as intérêt à venir jouer demain !)
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