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MakarmPom, 34 y.o.
Bang Bua Thong, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2014
Hi! ^^ Sooo sorry for my late reply!! >.<'
Ah I see. Why do you live in China, if I may ask? ^^
I don't know much about Thailand, to be honest with you, but I'm always open to learn new thing and get to know about other countries! ^_^
I'm just fine, thanks! Quite alot to do these days, but that's okay! ^^
How are you?? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2014
Sorry, I accidently deleted one of your walls.
Anyway, yeah that's right. We say that.
You know lots about Korean
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2014
That's so cute!
You know, in 2nd to 4th Doctor Who seasons, The Doctor used to say 'Allons-y' whenever he started the adventure or saving the world. Its pronunciation sounds just like that!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2014
Sure of course!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2014
It sounds so cute!!! Much cutter than Xiexie (Is this right?)
So if Thai is different from Chinese how could you learn hundreds of thousand of Chinese words that you can actually make conversation with it?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2014
sure.add me PYQ123
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2014
哇 那很棒!你父母也一定会很开心XD
啊那种心情..心酸的感觉 希望你早日跟他们一起过来
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2014
kob kun ka^^
learn things new..:p
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2014
Yeah totally right. In middle and high school, I learnt how to speak basic Chinese but I forgot everything. It's so challenging isn't it?
But I'll definitely learn and conquer Chinese in case I might get a job in China.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2014
ขอบคุณครับ (翻译工具copy过来的..如果错了原谅我^^)
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