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APOLLO, 35 y.o.
Brisbane, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2011
Haha yes I want across aussie from perth melbourne even brisbane, I wanna see koala, kangaroo, aussie crocodille ehehehehe sometimes I watch Bindie The jungle girl :)

Ahh I like drink but i rarely get drunk. Last time I drink Chivas with my friend but I dont get drunk ehehe.

Wow you still 21 and married?? I think we are in the same age :) You should go to concert, is awesome you feel the atmosphere of concert. Dont be pessimistic, I believe you have talent. I said that cuz I know that Oathean and Chthonic music its not simple music, and people who listen to metal is genius :) LOL

MSN ; [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2011
Ahh so you also interest with South East Asia? Yes auditions sucks, it seems like american idol lol I think you have skill in music cuz you listen to oathean and chthonic :) oathena has fenmale backing vocals and her voice its good.

Hahaha I hate drunks also, but I like drink beers before I play with my band. Alcohol is so expensive now in Indonesia T.T I have heard anything from brisbane, i just know that big flood (nature disaster) was happen in north aussie. Melbourne and sydney was famous and popular for indonesian, it seems there are many entrtainment there.

Ohhh so your bf is korean? I never see white girls have asian bf, mostly aussie man married with indonesian girl here.

Yes sure i will tell you if i have enough money and ready to play in melbourne and if possible brisbane
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2011
Hahaha its okay food and good is similiar words lol

Ahh you have silverchair album, great ! I like forgstomp, its first song that I try to cover with my band. Wow is it melbourne and sydney dangerous?? I plan to travel there soon, I check qantas and seems the flight ticket is cheap, its about 500 USD and visa 200 USD

Me too Im lover lol but mostly I like Extreme metal such as Death metal, Grindcore and Black metal. I have heard records label from brisabane but I forgot the name :)

Dont worry my band will be first asian band perform in brisbane lol I hope it will be come true :)

semms you really like korea? ehehehe
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2011
Hahahahahaha I was suprised ! Ahhh lol you are metalhead !! Enforce is trash metal band from Perth Australia (I guess its far from brisbane ) Why u dont like auusie band? lol i think they are great :)

I also like silverchair lol hahaha when i was in elementary school i got their album called frogstomp

I have share stage with melbourne death/black metal Beligerent intent when i was play in bangkok last year. They invite me to play in melbourne but i dont have enough money to go there this time T.T

Is it your place near from melbourne? Dont forget to visit indonesia and malaysia lol :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2011
Hahaha great :) Malaysia language its so funny, its same with Indonesian but lil bit different in accent.

Have u ever been in malaysia?
inactive user
lucky ! my exgf was the she devil T___T
afraid what if wife leave after marriage... never safety feel... ><
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
Hello there, how are you? Can you speak malay? ehehe its so rare for australian I though :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
how are you?
inactive user
bur thats good~
inactive user
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한국말 잘한다 ^^
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