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Lee, 41 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
inactive user
im sorry i cant understand the last two sentences :(
inactive user

I'm doing good :) thanks for asking! :)
inactive user
G'day mate...What is a redneck ??
inactive user,_India
follow the link....u'll know better abt the city
inactive user
Incredible INDIA.... I'm from south India da..... U 're most welcome.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2010
Crazy aussie bloke, how are you? Hey, I got a riddle for you. I bought a plant in the market yesterday. I brought it home and would water it every morning. One week after the plant died despite the fact that I watered it everyday. Can you guess why did it die?
inactive user
You look so happy in the picture! :)
By the way I'm Von from the Philippines.
HOw are you?
inactive user
No I ended up staying in, my cousins and my aunt went out on Saturday night but I didn't; I wasn't in the mood for partying :(

I hope you are better now. Have a good week
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2010
Hey again,

It's good to hear from you too. How are you?

When is your next summer? Indonesian people don't know summer because it's all year long lol. If you are thinking december to february, the weather is unpredictable because it's rainy season here. If it's around
May-July, then it's perfect for diving. Anyway, drop me a line if you have a plan to come here.

By the way, you should have visited indonesia long time ago because indonesia is like your second closest country after new zealand lol. I, on the other hand, am planning to go to australia next year. Would appreciate if you could offer a couch to sleep on and show me around the city and "queer" places :-)

Hey, what is the craziest thing you have ever done? Going crazy once in a while is fun lol....I need some ideas how to do crazy things ^.^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2010
Hey, thanks for viewing my profile! you have a fascinating profile too.

are you serious about coming to Indonesia? which part of Indonesia are you gonna visit? I need to get out of town or I'm going crazy soon enough. maybe we can arrange some travel plan together.

speaking of GMAT, it is a kind of admission test to enroll in MBA program in US universities but i deserted it like ages ago lol because I unknowingly have been derailed and need to get back on track soon.

so you are studying psychology? Fascinating! I'm sure there will be lots of things about psychology we can talk :). I have been baffled by psychology since college.

i can see you travel alot. which nations have you travelled to?

so I will leave at that. i cant wait to hear from you soon. Ciao!
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