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Attila Toth, 33 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 291.
inactive user
Well, good, good. Although it would be better if I wouldn't have to wake up so early. ^^ How about you?
inactive user
:D A szöveg gyorsan megvolt, színezgetni meg - a kedvenc zenéidet hallgatva - igazán nem nagy kihívás.((:
inactive user
I did have quite a good day actually. ^^ I hope yours went well too.
inactive user
That will be always welcome. ^^
Yeah, I think it's apply to every language. And we'll get to swearing some day, after all the subject has word 'practica' in its name. ^^
inactive user
No, she's not. But from next year I'll have some lecturers from Hungary and they won't say a word in Polish to us so that'll be tricky. ^^
'Macska' sounds cool. ^^
inactive user
Dog was on first class I think, but I don't know how is 'cat'. ^^ My lecturer like to teach us words she thinks will be helpfull when we go to Hungary.
Yeah, it's shallow pan to make pancakes only. ^^
Oh gods, maybe in few months, I still often confuse 'o' and 'a' and I can rather read than speak tbh. ^^
inactive user
Oh now thats pure talent! Your toes must be overgrown by now :D I bet they dont even fit in your shoes ! o :
inactive user
Thanks. ^^
There's a surprisingly big amount of them already, I haven't even realized that. ^^ My favourite so far would be palancsintasütő, but really all of them that are compund. Like úttest. They just so abstract. ^^
inactive user
Yeah, I started a month ago and I had my first test on Friday.
Well... It's extremely beautiful language, so different from any other. This virtues of its was the main reason. But I think I also wanted to try myself in a way... ^^
inactive user
I advice you to watch it . It made me laugh so damn hard :D
Aw thats very sad :( Worry not! I know a way to make it grow back out! *grabs a piece of raw meat, chew it, and puts it on the place where your ring finger is supposed to be located at* There there, it should start growing out soon ^_^
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