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Robert, 33 y.o.
Kecskemét, Hungary [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Industrial/mechanical designer

Relationship status


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 80.
inactive user
Thank you for your comment! I will check after work then i will send you message! Anyway, Thank you(*^^*)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2016
Any clues? Have you ever tried MBTI before?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2016
The former one, you?
inactive user
i never seen some kind of transgender like that before
i will find an information for u
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2015
Yeah... you are born to be sarcastic... i have to be careful now XD
But, i love sarcastic people, and so far i can't find a person who are willing to chat in 99% or sarcastic way though... people can't take jokes of it !

All those " ..." you mentioned and mocked, it's so funny and i very enjoy...
but i know people always want to see so fantastic and incredible message instead of short greetings, i mean people like this do exist, haha..... maybe they just too bored i guess....
I've even seen people who state they want to meet everyone all around the world and you can see they are actually blocking some specific country, That's pretty annoying and i feel disturbed though !

Nice to meet you .... the one i don't want to be but i am already "be-ing"
I'm Erique from Malaysia....
I believe the reason you live with a cat because you totally speaks like cat, as we know, cats are sarcastic though haha !
inactive user
your profile made me laugh to death xD dude, you have already summarized the concept of interpals, lmoa
inactive user
Cats on a leash are happier cats than only indoor cats but a free cat is most happy. In my humble opinion leash doesn't allow cats to act natural, crawl under bushes, climb trees and hunt prey. A human holding a leash can't really allow them to do that. I don't judge you (it does not make you a bad person) but I cannot say I support it. In conditions you live in, you really do everything for him. So that's admirable.
inactive user
You are more than welcome.=) I just cannot understand how you can keep your cat leashed. For my eyes it is something cruel.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 31, 2015
Totally agree with what you wrote on your profile section. Lol XD
And what i really hate is when people wrote "if i visit your profile and didn't leave a msg doesnt mean I am not interested in you, i am just to shy blahblahblah" crap. When people didnt leave a msg, it means that they are not interested in you. Have a nice day Bro!
inactive user
I was not joking with u.
I will try to improve and think another word
Thanks for letting me know:)
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