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Esra Berin Gölcük, 27 y.o.
Konya, Turkey [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 362.
inactive user
Haha, I thought you had been taken by aliens or something like that! :P
inactive user
Good luck on your tests! :D
inactive user
Bye :))
inactive user
I see :D In Poland they teach German or French (in few schools also Russian or Spanish). I must be going now, because my series is on TV now :)
inactive user
Chemistry is quite difficult and and I have to learn much if I want to know anything, but it's very interesting as well :)
Well, if you don't want to learn maths, it doesn't mean you're lazy, because everyone have days when they don't feel like learning :) For example, I love foreign languages, but there I days when the only thing I want is to take a rest :D
inactive user
Sorry that I have written a post on my wall, it was a mistake xD Nooo, I'm bad at math and I truly hate it :D The only school subjects I like are English, German, citizen education, chemistry, biology and geography :) But I have to learn math, because I have to take an exam in 3 years if I want to go to a university.
inactive user
Hi, Esra! I'm fine, what about you? :))
inactive user
Yeah, and it looks very interesting, too :D Well, I hope I'll go there some summer, haha :D I have to go now, but I hope we'll keep in touch! Bye! :)
inactive user
If you come to Poland, you must visit the Tatra mountains, which are in the south part of my country. I have been there twice and they are really picturesque :D You should write "Giewont" in Google - it's a mountain that a little resembles a sleeping man :D
inactive user
The weather is quite good, but we don't have any snow now, despite of the fact it's winter ^^ And some people wish it was snowing haha. I think I like living here, but, anyway, in the future I would like to move to some Scandinavian country (maybe Norway, because I like this country and its language and I'd love to go there). I wish more Poles spoke English, haha ^^
What about Turkey? I don't know much about your country :D
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