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Iman, 35 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 83.
inactive user
cool picture
inactive user
Hmmm... ar u a musician huh? it really fit u lol... keep it on...
inactive user
such a wicked pic.... love it :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2007
hey, how you doin? i’m really sorry for this late reply! and I don’t have msn.....
ya, I had blue hair and now I don’t now which color to choose to change my present hair color, I’m just brunet, ****! it’s so boring! now, it wasn\'t painful. i\'d say i could feel anything lol they gave me a novocain jab lol so that\'s why i didn\'t feel anything
anyways hope to hear from you
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2007
uni has been so busy**so much work to do..
how bout u?
no, i don\'t have myspace, is it like a blog or friendster
type of website?
sick picture by the way^
inactive user
Moi!How are you?Well everything is rocking here...big time!!I dont have my space but I have msn.Heippa!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2007
nice new picture :D
so how are you lately? what did you do today
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2007
Your computer is already all right? :)
I got 2nd DAN on Saturday. Because a highway was congested, I have been late for an examination, though... I had celebration at the night, and then, went to a karaoke together. :D But we practice again from 9:00 of Sunday. There is a prefecture tournament on next month 24. But I may lose in one round of defeat this year. X3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2007
you know, i tryed to teach myself guitar... but it was awful!.... ok, maybe that guitar was awful:) one of my friend asked me to join his band as a drummers (but i can\'t play it too) hehe, now i want to get a tattoo^^ something on my neck. get a piercing! i really like mine, i wanted to pierce a lip or tongue (after this one) but..... now i\'m not sure i want to have it....
oh, i had blue hair for a while:) this spring i think
inactive user
Moi!Well when I was in primary school I bought album Antichrist superstar....My fav song were Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World,. Angel With the Scabbed Wings,Antichrist Superstar,Man That You Fear and The Reflecting God.Then when I was totally crazy about him I bought Mechanical animals and my fav songs were I Don\'t Like the Drugs,Rock is Dead,Speed of Pain and Disassociative.I bought also Holy wood and The Golden age of favourite songs of those were In the Shadow of the Valley of Death,GodEatGod,The Death Song,Born Again,. mOBSCENE,Slutgarden,This is the New ****,. Para-noir and The Better of Two Evils.That all I think.Well that was that.
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