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YunaChan, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 176.
inactive user
I'm sure as time passes more Kpop artists will perform in Europe especially in big cities like Paris and London^^ So you'll meet more diverse Kpop stars like F.T Island as you want haha

Yess! I'll revisit France when the weather's gorgeously sunny!! My mission xD

Thank you for saying that :) Yeah Koreans are very popular to be extremely diligent. This has been the key factor of Korea's miraculous growth but now it kinda makes Korea a tiring country to live at the same time :(
Pros & cons~
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2011
really? thank you so much : )
comment ça va?

inactive user
Bonjour :)

F.T Island, more precisely its main vocal, Lee Hong Gi, was pretty impressive in terms of his singing skills :)
I was just about 100m from his stage at that time and his voice vibrated the entire stage though it was just a rehearsal!

So I guess F.T Island's a pretty good band since its main vocal has impressive singing skills haha

Hmm it's hard to choose the best country among the one I visited.. But unfortunately when I was in Paris, the weather's windy and bit rainy as well though it's in August! TT
So maybe I should revisit France in a 'sunny day' ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
hey nice to meet you, after you leave your greeting message to me about two more years ago lol
have a nice day there
really nice to talk to you again after such a long time
inactive user veux dire j'ai l'origines diverses? Comme un cabot.
inactive user
Non, je souhaite! Je suis Américaine. Honnêtement, je ne sais pas mon vraie origine. Je suis un cabot (c'est correcte? je ne suis pas certain).
inactive user
Juste ça va. Il fait très humide. >.< Je meurs! lol
inactive user
Ahhh! Mon dieu, tu me fais rire. :3 Comment ça va?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2010
Hi! yeah it's really long time..
What have you been?
I'm fine thanks.
inactive user
Pardon, je ne pouvais pas repondre a cause d'un travail.

Non, non, non, non, jamais.
Les HOST CLUB ne sont pas populaire.
Beaucoup de japonais pensent qu'ils sont honte.
Mais, eb effet, il y a les host club dans chaque cite.
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