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Waqar, 26 y.o.
Luton, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
inactive user
i came across your profile and its very impressive how many languages you speak!:)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2014
Hi (: yea we haven't spoke to each other for a hella long time :D But yea it's going great school just started though UGH.
inactive user
I am good too:)thanks for ask:)
inactive user
Nice to meet you are you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2014
nice to meet you,too
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2014
ohh woah!! I love Superwoman videos , she's so awesome
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2014
LOL! I have that thing too!! Dunno if it's just me, but sometimes when it's raining it just makes me feel like i'm getting late for something! LOL Dunno why.. I love faking accents too! And yeah, the opening ceremony was pretty epic!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2014
LOOOL well dude it has to snowing it's CANADA if it's not then. i'll be scared. awww that's too bad :/ but then again if it was raining most days here i would pretty much be sleeping and getting drowsy A LOT. I have this part of me that just turns tired when it starts to rain.. yeup the story of my life. LOL well I think they're pretty much the same thing but what the hey :D LOL i love faking accents they're actually really awesome. Did you watch the olympics?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2014
Oh gosh I'm so sorry for replying so late ><
ahaha well I hope you come over too ^^ It's freakin snowing hard right now though the snow is pretty much up to my knees oh gosh~ Yeup we're pretty multicultural especially in Toronto (: Hmm I suppose the British language is pretty close to Canadian language :D But LOL we usually fake British accents. do you guys fake Canadian or American accents? LUL
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2013
LOL no problem :D yea man I went there once in my life it was pretty cool although there was a hell lot of rain but there was one sunny day so that just made it all better (: LOL I can imagine how awkward it would be for you! -sigh- but then again UK language is so unique in a good way :D so do you plan on coming over here to Canada?
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