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Gloria, 30 y.o.
Shanghai, China [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 111.
inactive user
Nice to meet you. I can help you practice English and espanol if you help me practice Chinese. What activities you like to do in your free time?
inactive user
gong xi fa cai
inactive user
Houses are really expensieve here too, if you're young you can't buy it, and sometimes even with your parents help you can't buy it. :\ Clothes have average price here, at least I think, of course there are expensieve ones too, the clothes which have famous brands are really expensieve.

How much % do you need to pass? :\ here under 60% you fail... I need to get 12 or 13 points out of 20 to pass... I think I didn't get that much Orz
inactive user
My friend said that for example compared to america, food is cheaper here, but buying a house is really expensieve. And being cheap or expensieve is really depends on how much money you get. :\

I had a finance exam last week and I think I failed. :\ It was about calculating stuff, and even though I knew the formulas (we had 22 formulas for this exam) I'm not sure if I chose the right one to solve the tasks. :(
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2013
aww but is okay:)
Next week I'll start to learn Chinese, I'm so excited!:D
what do you do in life? do you study, work?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2013
Hi there !, how's everything?
Asi que practicas Frances y EspaƱol? :D
inactive user
Oh, I'm gald you had a great time. :)

Yeah, you can buy a lot of things when it's Christmas. :) But I think it's like that in every country. I can't wait till Christmas, I want my winter holiday now >.<

Cheapest? You mean which holiday, or what is the cheapest in general here?

I passed it, I got a 4 for it (5 is the highest grade here, 1 is the lowest, if you get a 1 you failed the exam) I coud've do better, but still I'm happy I passed. ^^ I have another exam this week, on Wednesday, it's from finance, and I hate it, it's sooo boring ToT
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2013
hello Gloria :)
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2013
hello,how are you:)
I'm Rob come from Taiwan
inactive user
Nice name.
talk to you later
Good night
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