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Johannsanne, 51 y.o.
Albany, United States [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
Thanks you! I did have a fun St. Patrick's day, as it is my brother's birthday (his name is Patrick). That's great to hear about your midterms, finals should be coming up soon - right? Then it'll be summer.
As for myself, I finally pushed through my civil service requirements and have been hired. My new workplace is right at the center of downtown so it's a chance to live at the heart of the city. Thanks again, and take care of yourself.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2019
no idea what that is, sorry. karl popper was the big name in my day. yes, the day of the dinos.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2019
Trying bygone though right now.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2019
i don't think i ever saw anyone mention philosophy of science online before... are you a popperian, a kuhnian or a bachelardian?
inactive user
My bad, I haven't been active on here lately. Thanks for your well wishes and I hope you are doing well too! How is 2019 treating you so far?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2019
Apologies for writing my post birthday reply to you on my wall instead of your wall. I guess we owe each other's very late winter post holiday greetings. You check out my wall with my well wishing you your best are aced with the civil service exams... Okay, thanks for a mistake that misunderstandings are accidentally created by not leaving topsy turvy right placement of messages where and when and to who I was sending it to. Anyway, I hope for rekindling friendly connections again with understanding a maybe perfectionist genius scholar that you are. Tell me about it celebrating green laurels for a very fruitful career ahead. Hey, are you married to learning imagining a future CEO happily grining from ear to ear loves to just chilling with a book or many where your heart is ; there your treasure/s in the mind. Hmmm.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2018
I expect the best from you then with your civil service exam then. A little conditioning to tame the nerves counting down exam day and anticipation of waiting for the results can be a good stress but then till you fly your colors plus wear your laurels then is such a very wonderful feeling. So, share the news when you feel an ounce reflective of the tear jerky joy you're on top of this civil service exam. Take care and just as the weather keeps me with IP again with a friend at the other end. Me, Veronica
inactive user
Thank you for the birthday wishes Ms. Veronica! Things have been going alright, this week I take my civil service exam. I have been busy but decided to check back here today. Hope you have been doing well!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2018
How's adding lives to loneliness lately? Upgrading my thinking ability to just enjoy my mind on life still hanging in there ....Interpals, yeah missing old friends , hi there and hope you'd just say life is happy and fruitful.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2018
hi i am youssef ouahmane 29 years will be 30 almost (computerized management technician) i'm working at pepsi in Informatic service,single and im from brazil but im work and i'm live in morocco Casablanca city ,right now... so i'm the big between my brothers i have one brother and two sisters by the way is twins , i'm funny person and simple my family and my friends always told me that i'm studying now english. and deutsch, with little french because the second loguesh im my country , i love swimming it's my favorite hobby and i love cooking so much and sometimes im walk with my friends our beautiful city and eat ice cream I love ice cream, especially chocolate, and vanilla ...

anyhow i want meet you better if you wana too
im not use interpals all time so [email protected] i have hangouts
and my facebook
i hope you gooood day
your friend youssef
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