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Veronica, 36 y.o.
Riverside, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 45.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2014
now am working as interpreter from Arabic to English and the reverse in a Chinese petroleum company but am going to find an other job now maybe in an American or British company
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2014
I was teaching there i was franch teacher for 3 years there
It was a cool i've seen my colagues and friends
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2014
I like the rnb rap bluse contry
And today i was in the big city in the university i had an apoitement with a teacher that used to work with me when i was working there
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2014
I was betwin work and travell this days am very tired
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2014
am doing fine thank you how are you it have been long time
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2014
hope that you are doing fine and passing great day am Farouk from algeria and i would be glade to be friend of you
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2014
Hello ^^
No, they are not in order of preference. I wrote this list little by little over the years. :)
inactive user
hey, i know what hectic means. i've been quite busy in recent weeks writing essays etc. i'm in my final year, so once i'm finished here, no more essays for a while. luckily, i've finished my essays, so i can relax and focus on my final exams. my timetable for the exams comes out next week, so here's to hoping my exams are all close together near the beginning of the exam period. i want to get them over and done with to be honest, then it's holidays and actually thinking about it, i can actually have a holiday, because graduation is not until July.
inactive user
It's good. Obviously family and work come first before you set about replying to people. The offer still stands. I can tell you that it starts again on the 16th January after having a break for Christmas and New Year. It is from 11am until 1pm British time, so it's probably during the evening in America, but when you'll have to calculate with the time difference.
My holidays were good thanks. I have been with my fiancé for the last 2 weeks. She lives in the middle of Germany in the mountains. Unfortunately though it hasn't snowed so much, but I did the chance to ski a few times. What did you do during the holidays? Happy new Year to you as well
inactive user
Hi Veronica,
Thank you for your reply.
Modern Languages are languages that are classed as being modern because they are somehow 'new'. They are mainly French, Spanish, German, Chinese and maybe even Russian.
I like people ranting about their tastes in music. I feel the same when listening to blues and rock n roll, there is energy which I can hear and somehow despite these people being dead for a while, they give me their energy. Actually, listening to old music gave me an idea back in school to start up a radio show. It's called the rock-it show and we delve into the archives and play golden oldies for 2 hours every week. I can give you the link to the website and I'll tell you the British time when the show is on, if you're interested. It used to be listened to by my friends abroad, but now it only has a very small listenership, which is a shame.
I like reading thrillers, books which leave you on edge. A great example would John Le Carre, an ex-MI5 agent from the British Secret Service, who wrote mostly in the Cold War. His books are just so edgy and leave you wanting to constantly read more. Try him out. And another author I like John Wyndham, wrote in the 50's in Britain. His books were also mainly the thriller section. All his books had strange going-ons in 'normal' villages or towns. There was even a series and a film made from one of his books - The Day Of the Triffids - have a look and tell me what you think of it. I see I've ranted on as well here, so I'll leave more for the next message.
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