Tyas, 30 y.o.
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Language practice
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Bachelor's degree
11 years ago,
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3 years ago.
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Mbak, kalo ndak boleh minta no hp in the beginning of convo boleh utang uang ndak?

Dank voor je laaaaange brief! :D Het gaat goed met mij. Hoe gaat het met Nederlands leren? Goed je best doen hoooor! :D
Panglima senang banget Tyas wis sinau basa londo. Tapi sing penting yo sinau Boso Perancis dhisik yo. Nek engko manggon neng Perancis, penting banget biso ngomong Boso Perancis ta. Repot ta blonjo neng pasar, tuku sepatu lan tuku katok anyar, nang tukang pijet yo ora biso Boso Perancis! hiihihi Terus kangmasmu kondo " J 'taime Tyas , vous vous coucher avec moi ce soir?". Tyas bengong wae: "yo opo artine kangmas, Tyas ra ngerti blas! " hihihi
Ono konco Interpalsku soko Sidoarjo seng nembe rabi ambek wong Polonia. Dhik Ita saiki wes manggon neng Polandia kono. Ono konco Interpals soko Malang liyo sing wes rabi ambek wong kumpeni. Tyas kenal ambek dhik Prisca (Silver Estrella ) ora? Wonge apik tenan.
Duo Lingo iku penjelasan grammare kurang. Tak saranno nggae textbook londo ugo.
Mulane panglima ndelok Pojok Kampung yo ora ngerti isine blas. Ngerti ora ngerti saben dina panglima ndelok Pojok Kampung. Saiki yo wis ngerti isine kabeh! :D
Ono link apih maneh. Programe nggo arek arek londo, dadi bosone gampang dingerti. ( dingerti opo dierti??? )
Nganggo "subtiteling"yo Tyas, ben biso ngrungokno ambek moco boso londo pisan!
Nek pitakonmu......ojo mumet ambek kalimat majemuk sek. Nggango kalimat sing gampang wae. "aangezien" tembung sing dianggo neng buku wae.
Ik ga naar school.
Morgen GA IK naar school.
Ik fiets naar de markt.
Vandaag FIETS IK naar de markt.
Ik loop naar huis.
LOOP JE naar huis?
Jij werkt op het postkantoor.
WERK JIJ op het postkantoor?
Engko nek dolan nang Londo yo mampir wae. :D Panglima ndongakno dokumen seng perlu yo cepet cepet mari kabeh. :D
Salam sayang soko negoro kumpeni yo dhik Tyas.
NB: Wektu liyo panglima kirim layang nganggo Message wae yo :D

Dhik Tyas mesthi mudik nang Malang yo. Seneng banget yo riyoyoan neng Malang ambek ndulur lan kanca kancane. Sugeng hari raya yo dhik Tyas. Menawi lepat nyuwun pangapunten nggeh.
Eyang kakung disanjangi " jij bent een stoute jongen"hahaha
Podho jarene guru SD nang panglima! " jij bent een stoute jongen Ruudje " Terus kupingku dijewer! huwahahaha
Mmmm....nek sinau boso londo kudu ngerti ucapane. Tak anjurake website Lingq. Neng Lingq iku iso moco lan ngrungokno boso londo sisan. Lingq iku ugo biso dianggo nek sinau boso liyo. ( boso Perancis! )
Ono website apik meneh: Het jeugdjournaal. Website kuwi warto berito nggo bocah bocah neng Londo, dadi boso londo sing dianggo sederhana wae.
Ojo khawatir tak tulungi dhik Tyas wae engko :D
Kuhto Weert kuwi yo cukup adoh soko kuthoku. Kutho Weert neng londo kidul, cedek perbatasan ambek Belgia. Apeldoorn neng Londo wetan.
Dapur wes dipasang! Bojoku wes bisa mangsak mangsakan Indonesia! Recanane lunga nang Perancis kapan dhik Tyas?
Salam persaudaraan soko Londo :D

Finnish and Swedish are the official languages of Finland. But of course Finnish is more dominant spoken by morethan 90%.
Swedish people emigrated to the coasts of Finland where many different finnish, karelian and savonian, and saami tribes lived but it was not a real country in ancient time. About 1100 AC Swedish kings occupied Finland but the rest is a long story :)

Danish is also a Scandinavian language. Danish, Swedish,Norwegiand and - a little more distant - Islandic are all very closely related but as said, Finnish is different.
I always lived in Finland except one your in Sweden when I was youg.I belong to the Swedish minority in Finland on the coasts,about 300 000 people. Finland has officially two languages. My ancestors lived here since at least the fourteenth hundreds. For seven hundred years Finland was a part of Sweden, until 1809.

Thanks for the tip! I will have a look.Sounds great.
Finnish is totally different from the Scandinavan languages. Not like Swedish at all. It´s related to Estonian and distantly to Hungarian. It has no connection to other European languages.
My native language is Swedish so I think it´s easier but of course that´s because I´m born with it :)

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