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Tatyana, 45 y.o.
Hrodna, Belarus [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2014
hello Tanya, glad to meet you. how did you find the teaching job.
inactive user
Thank you so much for the visit Tatyana :}
Welcome from Ireland xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2014
inactive user
enjoyed the pictures of your country!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2013
Hi! I am shahin male 38 from Pakistan. i am also a school teacher.
Happy to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2013
Hello :)
inactive user
Hello Tanya! Do you consider to teach me russian language online?
inactive user
I would love to have someone nice to talk to. John :-)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2013
sI don´t know if you visited my profile before I visited yours. Anyway, I´m glad to have come across you because you look like a interesting woman. Besides, i´m keen on gardening too. Well, more exactly i´m interested in learning gardening. i only know a bit. So, you can teach me a bit of that I could show you things about formula one :) A deal? :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2013
Why do you study other foreign languages?

As human beings we have a natural urge to commutate with our fellow man.
The only thing that stops us, since we all migrated from Africa is we all have developed our own way / language to communicate with our nearest neighbours but as the distance goes beyond our nearest neighbours , the communication language changes.

So as human beings we have the urge / curiosity to learn from others ( the invention of the wheel ) learning languages allows us to talk to distant cousins and learn from them, thus letting us gain more knowledge, become wiser and improve our and others lives by sharing what we have learnt.
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