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Matrix, 31 y.o.
Sefrou, Morocco [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 281.
inactive user
éwa kolchééé zéén ;) iwa 7tal summer nchala w nchado jma3a del ma39ol
inactive user
so u start talking to old friends I can see that Hhhh silat ra7ém a good thing
inactive user
u here?
inactive user
hey ca va? c est vrai que ca fait longtemps que nous nous sommes pas parles! =)
inactive user
cv hmdl nn ma7alfa ma walo rir I got tierd of using this website o saaafé lmhm yssawal fék lkhir fén tfakartini :) yak nta cv?
hhh wakha a si techno I will inshallah chiiiiiiiii mara
inactive user
hhhh It's only a song ana makan7mal tawa7ééééd .
inactive user
Who?? :p hhh
inactive user
wakha wa nkhalik daba nemchi ntfarajjjjj f TV nchallah nkhali lik msg ila dkhalt :)
inactive user
wa laymasskhak nta w l prof ya fa2r tajarib rak 3arfni matandwichhh o howa dima chad fiiya mais akhir sana nkharajha manoooo !
inactive user
mchit lsakwila ou jabtli l 2arara walit mrida 5ossosan dak ousstad lmat dima 7at 3liyaaaaaaaaaaaa X(
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