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Paola, 32 y.o.
Sealy, United States [Current City]


Looking for



Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 392.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2010
Hey, I just read that you wanna become fluent in German. If you wanna learn German, just ask me. I live in the US, but used to live in Germany for 15 years of my life, and I was born and raised there. :)
inactive user
Well, I say. If you ever feel it again, you should go with it girl and create! Dont hold it in.:)

I didnt do anything on MLK Just slept late and hung out with my freinds.:) I hope you had a good day back to

inactive user
I know the other night you were telling me about So, can you fix it or are you just going to start on another one?

Thank you for calling me that. I just try to be myself.;)

So, do you have plans for MLK day?
inactive user
Hola =)
Estoy Mook.
¿Podemos ser amigos?
inactive user
So, you ruined your painting?lol Id like to still see your artwork someday?:)

Yeah, I keep hearing from girls on here that Im cool. Or stuff like Im the only decent guy on here they met. Or the nicest. That cant be true?lol

I never got into facebook. But, so far I like it on IP:)
inactive user
Thanks so, you started painting something right now? What is it?

Your welcome, I just try to be me. Not try to be someone Im

So, are you always on Interpals?
inactive user
Yeah, like I said I'm just learing. But, when I make my first I will put it up here. Maybe, one day I could make you somthing?:)

Yeah, you should put it up I'd like to see some of your artwrork.:) Oh, thanks for the comment also:)

And, I think you came out to a beautiful combination:) Dont want to sound like all the other guys on
inactive user
Thats cool. Yeah, its sort of hard to learn how to do the kind Im learning. You have to sculpt it in wax first, then make a mold and then pour gold or silver. I'm just learning from my uncle, hes teaching me.:)

Are you ever going to put your artwork up on here? Give it to me, I'll take your Are you hispanic? Curious?
inactive user
Yeah, the one on my profile is a sample. I didnt make So, you like Native American jewelry? You like big jewelry? Ever tried to make jewelry?

What have you painted recently?
inactive user
Well, right now it looks like jewelry making. I'm learning how from my uncle. Do you draw and paint often? What kind of paint?
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