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Phillip, 33 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1537.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2014
Oh,my friend I am going crazy! The terrible website, every time I sent a massage to you it disappeared. I will use another mail box next time,do you have another one?what is the address?

Fake meet is really horrible, it is a deceit. It is barely acceptable if they only change meat but changing to unhealthy one is immoral. Ah I think we barely have disliking food.we can eat anything such as flower.But of course except some strange and disgusting animal like mouse we don’t like it.And I hardly hear of that someone like to eat cat.

How are you these days? How about your Spanish?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2014
Yes,horrible website I hate it.
Tripe and gut every time I think them I feel uncomfortable.But it depends,such as pork heart and chicken heart I can try them.Maybe I can eat them in several years.I remember I didn't eat shrimps when I was around 10 because I can see them eyes. One day my uncle said he cooked a delicious dish and let me close my eyes to taste.So I did and it tasted good.Then he told me it was shrimps.since then I dare to eat it.
I am so sorry to hear that. But your brother? wasn't he at the same age of you? Don't be too sad my friend.
I heard a news recently. KFC and Macdonalds and some other famous fast food restaurants offer unqualified food and now many food are not allowed to sell.And many people don't dare to go there.What a shame thing.The most famous company do such things.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2014
haha,thank you.I will keep myself healthy and keep fit.

wow,98.You are so good!Does Spanish consist of english letters?
Why British food is not good?In my eyes western food is similar.Does British have some famous dishes? Such as in French,goose liver and dessert are very famous.
Anticuchos? is it the dish's name?Here in China,it is usually sold at roast restaurant and many people like it.Everything can be barbecued buns,pork,chicken gizzard and so on.
I don't like tripe and guts.I only eat them a few times.I don't dare to eat them except that they taste very delicious haha, do you like to eat guts?
PS:I cannot send you a message.The website crashed when I send to you.I tried many times.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2013
Good morning, today is Monday, I wish you have a good mood today!!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2013
I'm fine. And you? China, like to make friends, learn more customs,
inactive user
Hello))) I'm fine)) and you? thank you))
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2012
I LOVE YOU, happy 7 months together, u are the best in my life, everyday i feel like i can smile because of you, thank u for always being sooo nice and sweet with me, i love you, u have my heart forever, i'm really happy to be ur girlfriend my dear pinky :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2011
LOVE YOU too my dear boyfriend :) the time i spend with u is just magic ^^ i can't wait to hug u next year, u are all mine heheehe te amo mucho mi amor
inactive user
Hi Phillip.. how are you?
you seem like an interesting person :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2011
Sorry, been away long time... how are you? :)
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