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Yeji Ahn, 27 y.o.
Suwon, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 158.
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2013
Happy birthday!
inactive user
Oh, your English is so good.
And you are funny and kind for me.
inactive user
Ah, your history is so nice...
I want to experience like you!

I can't speak English!
A! I can speak only'thank you, hello':-p

Thank you
inactive user
Oh Thats too bad :((((( im so sad !!!!
It's Tiisha !

Really ??? You know I have a friend who went to Korea, and she went to the concert of beast and she could stay with them after te concert talk with them and took pictures !! I was so jealous !!!!! I wanna do that too *____* will you help me to realise that ?????? Go together *______*
inactive user
Oh, can you get chance to talk foreigner!?
And your English is so great
inactive user
Haleyyy caaaaant wait T-T hope your phone will be fixed !!
Haley, I have a question !! Have you already been to fan meeting ?
I wanna go to one in my life T-T *_____* <3
inactive user
Oh! I think you are sooooo younger than me. Right?hahaha

Can I ask you?
How do you study English?
inactive user
Your sentence is gentle for me.
Arigatou gozaimasu.
inactive user
Thats very good :D I'm glad you've had fun! ^^
Indeed, I hate mornings. Tomorrow is the first day back at school so I'm going to have to wake up early and wont be aloud lay in's. Makes me wish I knew how to sleep with my eyes open Haha! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2012
OK:) Have a nice sleep Bye Talk to you later^^
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