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Sadie(:, 31 y.o.
Youngstown, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 381.
inactive user
Howdy Sadie! How might you be doing?:)
inactive user
wow your extremely cute lol
inactive user
Its really No Problem!
inactive user
=D I hope you win !!
That would be great =D
I'm sure you have a good chance of winning =D
inactive user
haha im sure it looks funny^^
inactive user
hahahahhahaa :B
i thought you might of :B
i can get to about 5am and then bam im asleep :L but lately its been like 1am and then im asleep ahha bad times :(
inactive user
I really Did Like it!
inactive user
hah only one way to find out who is the best =D
I will bring my A-game =D so you should be worried now =D
inactive user
I think that is brilliant,
and you are a talented writer.

Keep it up!
inactive user
Oh sounds interesting ;)
yeah I know you don't have my number =p
this time we will stay in touch =P I wont make the same mistake twice !
14 years in the same house is awesome actually =P There is nothing like home =) Love it here !
Maybe I'd let you win at soccer =D But when I play soccer I get so "wild" if you can use that word lol =D I dont know if I can hold back my soccer skills lol
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