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Mickaël, 35 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
inactive user
Hi Thank you for visiting, but I'm sorry for I can only reply to you on here
inactive user
hello ! salut ! beau gars ! tu es la plus beaux que jamais rencontrer encore un garçon plus jolie que toi !
inactive user
inactive user
What's up man, you should totally help me learn French and we can learn Japanese together as well! I'm taking a french course next semester but Japan has been a life long dream of mine. Maybe we can help each other out.
inactive user
Merci :)
inactive user
You have a nice smile.
inactive user
I am well pleased to contact you after viewing your profile i am interested in having communication with you as a genuine friend,please dear write me back using my e-mail address( [email protected] ) so that i will tell you more about me i am waiting to hear from you soon. yours new friend Miss Kate.

( [email protected] )
inactive user
Hello back ;)
inactive user
I want to leave Hong Kong
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2015
Bonjours! J'suis Jeonghan et content de t'avoir rencontre! Je suis curieux de savoir quel aspect de la coree t'attire bien :P Ca m'interesse que tu dis que la France est un mauvais truc pour toi parce que moi j'ai vraiment bcp de bons souvenirs la-bas pd que j'ai vecu (1 an) pour que je cherche a travailler la bas
En tout cas enchante! Sinon sur ton profile tu parles mieux coreen que le japonais ou l'anglais c'est vrai? lol
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