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Mehmet, 55 y.o.
Istanbul, Turkey [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2014
i will marrie a nice woman darling i am looking you wehere are u
inactive user
Merhaba Mehmet! Türkçe biraz biliyorum))))))
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2010
hello dear visitor.i am very openminded,honest,romantic and sencetive person. i work to live and dont live to work.i am who i am and i dont like to change or people who changes.i love to travel other countries to see other cultures.i love other languages.i love anything exotic.i like honest people who are also openminded and respectfull.i have been in many countries and still there are many more to visit.i hope to meet some real honest people here to practise my languages and to help others also and become real friends.i am not here for sex chats or so on.i love real talks and real friends.i hope to hear from you if you have any questions.feel free to ask.and thank you again to visit my profile.and the picture on my profile are from my hometown next to our wineyard where my parents is just like a different planet are all more than wellcome...and when i travel for me traveling is not only is also very important to cominicate with local people to learn more of their life and culture.i like to feel like a visitor not like a tourist when i travel.and when i cominicate with local people i can learn more of their language from them also... MY FACE BOOK [email protected]
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