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Ross, 35 y.o.
Fuzhou, China [Current City]



Looking for


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 261.
inactive user
Hello Ross - yes I'd love to
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2016
Ah, hello~ I didn't see this comment yet, haha. Yes, that sounds wonderful
inactive user
Okay~! I will add you. Let's talk on kakao later because now I have to do my homework and study~^^
inactive user
Oh my~! Hi~~ yes, it's been a long time~haha. I use kakao talk. Please let me know your ID. I will add you there~^^
inactive user
Ah yes you seem pretty busy. Are you currently a student? We can chat whenever you have free time. I am also working almost everyday so my reply may be a little late too~ But I will also try my best to contact you ^^
inactive user
Hi Ross~! (^_^)/
Thank you for visiting my profile. I'm Juhee. Nice to meet you~! I am interested in learning more about China. I also have a good friend from China living in the USA. She is from Southern China. If you teach me more about Chinese culture, I can teach you about American culture and help you with English. How about it?
inactive user
I have Kakao
inactive user
Hello Ross, I am happy to help you with your english. Whatever questions you may have I am here. :)
inactive user
That's so cool! My sister is going to be a nurse. I am not sure I could deal with so much blood! :)
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2015
Hi nice to meet you :D my name is annika and I am a student in university majoring in English :)) we can be friends! how are you?
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