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孙惠美 , 30 y.o.
Nan, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1822.
inactive user
hi :))
inactive user
good to hear that then ^^ i'm awesome! hehehe x)
inactive user
HEYY! sorry for replying sooo late ._. hehe whats up!
inactive user
yeah~!!! gogogo!!!

i will praise reaches its end~!! haha^^
inactive user
im internet searching~!!^^

homework cheer up~!!
inactive user
nono~!! im okay^_^

my dream~~~~!
inactive user
haha yeah~!^^

my dream is good mean in korea~!
inactive user
I just hope to see you again~!!^^

good night !! sweet dream!! my dream!!^^
inactive user
I`m fine~~!!^^ I'm so glad to see you again^^
inactive user
haha 140d-day army TT

encouragement thank you!!!!!

you good luck too!!~!~!! ^^
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