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My name is Mia . I'm jananese n living in Japan but used to live in Sydney for 5years!
I'm working here to go to Melbourne at the morment!
Please send me a message when u have time then we can study together ;)
Hello, nice to meet you!
Good Japanese!
Maybe we can exchange language each other.
Good Japanese!
Maybe we can exchange language each other.
Hello.ジェムスさん、Japanのカズです。How are you?。お久しぶりです。ではまた。

Hello.ジェムスさん、My name is KAZU Nice to meet you!。ジェムスさんは日本の事が大好きなのですね、有難うございます。色々な観光地に行かれて日本の素晴しさがご堪能頂けましたか?。僕は自転車も好きですし洋画(映画)も大好きです。ぜひ僕とSkypeチャットしませんか?。よろしくお願いします(SkypeID教えて下さると有難いです。)。では返信待っています。Again.
oooh how i miss melbourne!! I hope the recent flood did not cause too much irreversible damage.

Skype sounds great!
Are you going to upload photos of Japan trip??
I'm glad you enjoyed a lot your japan trip. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed a lot your japan trip. :)
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