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Jgroth1978, 46 y.o.
Myrtle Beach, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 77.
inactive user
Hey! I am going to have some American beer tonight :P It's called Bud. Ummm... I will share my thoughts about it later on :D
inactive user
Oh, thank you!! Everything is well. Your words in Ukrainian were so touchy. Literally they mean "Take good care of yourself" :) I will! You could learn Ukrainian together with Bulgarian, by the way :D
inactive user
:P I still want to taste an American beer. When are you going to visit here so that you bring some to me? 8)
:PPP heheh
inactive user American beer found yet :(
inactive user
Hellooooooooo again :P How are you? :D
inactive user
Hi i am Wendy and i thought i would drop you a line to see if you would like a pal from the UK .
I live with my partner as well so only looking for friends.
If you would like to me friends with me drop me a line back
inactive user

lol i'm having fun :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Hmm, it still sucked balls :D you're lucky you're my favourite bean :D I shall buy you some thumb pads so as to not wear them to the bone, enjoy the game my petit
Parisienne xxxxx
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Your wall posts so lack content! I shall be safe, I promise to look both ways when I cross the road, and to hold someone's hand :D

Hope you enjoyed your lunch, and let the gaming commence :D

inactive user
Hah hah hah, indeed. We can't give help to the people, that would be insane and extremely leftist-- instead of refuges for domestic violence victims or homeless shelters, we have a convenient array of churches, twelve on every street.
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