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Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2007
Hello :) Glad to meet you,and thanks for message! I seem cool? That\'s to shy XD. um, I don\'t have Diamond or Pearl OTL. I didn\'t hear about TGS. I think that is very fantastic..X)
I know about FF but I don\'t play it...but I like Cloud. I saw [Final Fantasy 7:Advent children] ^_^ See you!
inactive user
Hi again! Thanks, but I\'m NOT cute. I really don\'t like yaoi that much, but shounen-ai is good. ^_^ Right now my fav animes must be Naruto, Gravitation, Damekko Doubutsu and Strawberry Panic!...
Do you listen to japanese music? I LOVE it!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2007
Woah, yea, long time no see!
I thought you died too. o_o XD
Not much is going on, except school and stuff.
I\'ve been studying quite a bit of Japanese too.
inactive user
Whii, HI! You visited my profile,arigato!
You seem pretty interesting person, pals? ^_^
You like yaoi? O__O What\'s your favourite anime?

I hope you repy...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2007
Yea, Woodbury\'s a city.
And no, I haven\'t cosplayed yet either.. ;-; Though I am going to take a sewing class
in 9th grade. :3
I love Axel! <333 And Roxas, of course. n_n I love everyone from the Organization XIII!
And you can get Sora wigs off eBay and such. They actually look really cool. XD
Actually, if I had a lot of gel, I could spike my hair up like Sora\'s! XD
I think Sora and I have close to the same hair color.. >>
inactive user
Awww thx! u r so kind(0ω0♦))and u look 15 or 16!!lol so whatz up~??
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2007
Oh, I\'ve heard of Rochester. So, you\'re south of my town.
I\'m still in the metropolitan area. I\'m only about a half hour away from the Twin Cities.
Have you heard of the town Woodbury? Mine\'s right next to it.
I seriously still don\'t understand how I wouldn\'t know about an anime convention...
Well, I\'ll make sure to go to it next year! ..And maybe I\'ll cosplay. :D
I want to cosplay as an Organization XIII person...or maybe Sora! :DDDDDDDDD
And thank you. You seem pretty cool too. n_n
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2007
Kingdom Hearts is the most awesome thing in existence. And Sora\'s really HOT. X3
Anyway, hi there. n_n
Oh, you\'re from MN too! Cooooooooolllll..
..Though I\'ve never heard of the town you live in. XD Where is that? Is it close to the Twin Cities?
..And they have an anime convention at the MOA!!?!?!?!? O_O How come I\'ve never heard of it?
And I live so close to it too.. ;-;
XD Anyway, what\'s up?
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