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Hannitakeehl, 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2010
hola ana :) ha habido bastante gente de argentina que me ha enviado correos o me ha puesto algo en el perfil :) por eso ahora estoy buscando a gente de argentina para hablar mas :) por cierto tu apellido es keehl , eres de origen alemán? i no sabia que en argentina hicieran reggaeton tambien o.O , no estoy acostumbrado a escribir en español aqui :)
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2009
hii im so sorry im late!:(
how are you? im fine. xD
hehe~~:D thank you so much!
you are cute,too!:)

what is your hobby?^^
inactive user
Hoola Jacqueline :) Que tal?!
inactive user
heey sry for late reply,too
ive been busy either (T_T)im have alot of tests next week
i dont like it :(
so how are u doing?^^hows ur weekends?
inactive user
hi, i'm from Korea...
inactive user
today? i'll go to bed haha
and you?? yuo don't know again? :p
inactive user
hey hey<3^^
i went to chinema with my frined and saw 'burn after reading'.it's a movie witch brat pitt playing in it. do u know him?
btw,he looks really younger! he doesn't look around 40 years old!

yeah.i think japanese is difficult language!(>.<)you can ask me anytime and i will help you! :)u speak spanish?
inactive user
hi, what's up! ^^
i'll atke a shower :D and you?? today what will you do??
inactive user
cool?? why? xD
ok, anyway you are a good girl ;p
inactive user
yea ofcore I'll help you with japanese!
feel free to ask me :))))
so was ur weekends?
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