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Sandra, 31 y.o.
Gießen, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 84.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2010
thats cool :D i am studying the language of germany (:
and i know it's not easy lol. but this is my second year of learning about it :D im from USA (:
inactive user
My Christmas holidays are for about 7 and a half weeks. I'm really looking forward to them.

I actually want to see that movie 'the social network'.
I think it looks good.
No, not really.

I don't really like to give my Facebook out to people on this website, sorry.
So what have you done this weekend?
inactive user
Lucky you! Well i can't wait until the Christmas holidays which is in about 9 weeks.

The Paramore concert was heaps of fun. The lead singer, Hayley Williams was really energetic and she did an amazing job.
That's actually kind of an old song :0

Aww thankyou!
I am now 15 :)

Well, have you seen any good movies lately?

Yes i do, but i don't really use it that much. It's really boring :/
inactive user
Well actually i just came back to school today so no more holidays for me :(

Aww well lucky you!
Make sure you do lots of things :)

School is boring, as usual. Nothing ever changes :/
Well on Friday i'm going to the Paramore concert and Saturday is my birthday so i'm really excited about that.
What are you planning to do in your holidays?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2010
your welcome :D
so where are you from?
inactive user
I know, it doesn't.

Well i don't really watch tv much these days because there's never anything good to watch but i watch shows on the internet.
I love Gossip Girl, about you?
inactive user
I'm only happy on the weekends but unforunately i am sick with a cold.
I'm in year 9. One more term of year 9 and then holidays, and then next year i'll be in year 10. It's going too fast. I can't believe i'll be in year 10 next year.

Nothing much. Have you seen 500 days of summer? I watched it yesterday, it's a really good movie and also Precious.
But Precious is kind of a heavy movie.

Okay, well talk to you soon.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2010
im doing great (:
thank you :D

and what about you ^^?
inactive user
hi, im Kumakuma from Japan :)
nice to meet you and how are you?
inactive user
Haha and yes here in Australia boyfriend means either having a friend whose a boy or someone who your in loveee with....:0

Well, it was a pretty good movie. Heaps of gore but you could tell it was fake. I didn't watch it in 3D though.

Oh yes, i've seen the preview of salt....the movie with Angelina Jolie. I don't really want to see it either, not really my type of movie i think.

I'm already in school, lol. I have holidays in 4 weeks (my holidays are for two weeks). It seems like everyone except for Australia is on their holidays, like wtf.

Well thankyou :)

Of course, speak soon :)
Liana x
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