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Floradanica, 68 y.o.
Osaka, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2017
have an great thursday to you
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2013
oh thank u.i wish us a feature?
inactive user
Hello floradanica!
How are you? ^.^
inactive user
Hello Reiko,
そう、ちゃんと覚えています。あなたは初めて私の掲示板にメッセージを書いた人です!! 元気ですよ!でも、仕事と日本語の授業なので、ちょっと忙しいです。How about you? 埼玉に住んでいます?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2010

inactive user
あなたにメッセージを送るのは楽しいです。I hope you dont quit this place lol.

PS. If my Japanese is wrong, please correct me.
inactive user
お久しぶり!!!!!!you are on line!!!! How have you been?
inactive user
いいえ、難しくないです。­大体わかります。すみませ­んが、「過ごすため­」は­英語でなんですか。I am sorry for my poor Japanese now, and I hope my Japanese will be better.

Wow, the house you bought in Saitama is so great that you can see Mt. Fuji. By the way, Tokyo's night scenery can be seen from that house? あなたは一人で大阪に住ん­でいますか?大阪から埼玉まで新幹線で何­時間?埼玉はどんな­町ですか?にぎやかですか?Theses days I have tried to learn Japanese by listening to Japanese songs. Do you have some recommendati­on for me? ありがとう!
inactive user
Hello, Rieko
お久しぶり^^^I am so happy to hear from you again! I do miss you. You know, I even thought that you had forgot this place and would not come back. Anyway, I am glad that you are back.
Yes, I know Saitama. I remembered you said you lived there before moving to Osaka. Getting a house in Saitama? So you left Osaka and are living Saitama now? You must be very tired. It is very far from Osaka to Saitama, like some 500 kilometers,r­ight?
日本語は難しいけど、私は­­今一生懸命勉強していま­す­。ちなみに、私は大型­スー­パでアルバイトをし­てる。­でも、来月やめる­と思いま­す。Ha Japanese is really difficult. It took some minutes for me to type in Japanese. Learning English is hard too. It is so great that I can practice English with you again now.
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