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Manda!, 30 y.o.
Chattanooga, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 82.
inactive user
I really liked the painting of the wall behind you in the profile picture!
inactive user
AGHAGHAGAHGAHAHGAHGAH New picture! and you're alive! whew i thought you might have died or something....jayyyy kayyyy i went thledding with you thilly goothe. ☺☻☺☻
inactive user
Hey boo! It's almost 3 AM and Ima leavin another stalker-ish message. Okee so....YOU HAVEN"T BEEN ON IN A YEAR!!! whadafukk is up with dat? idek. soo you're in Sexas IMEAN Texas. Getcho @$$ back home so we can chill. oh and Pennis ;) doin mah hurr tomorrow sorry gee. but iss allll gooood we be doin it again in a couple mo.s. I luhh you crunk twinkie. lata.
inactive user
Happy muddaeffing birthday Manderz. Since you are lame and never get on here. Ima unleash my Schitzophrenic thought on you. :D
1) I can't wait until your bitchin party this weekend! It's gonna be off the CHAIN. cuz me and lindsy-bo will be there. EVERYONE ON INTERPALS SHOULD BE THERE! holla
2) I got you a ballin present and some minor gifts with it. :D
3) I've got to go to school now. so later....JASSA JOOOKE. actually no not a joke I really must go. Later Mrs. MacAllay Akin. :D
tootles, bitch. :D what the hell was that?? idek ;0000 LMFAO. ok bye.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2009
whats up?:)
inactive user
haha. true that. i bet u had a gazillion wall posts andshit. haha.
inactive user
ahem. hi there my *cough* older *coughcough* friend. haha. u must get on.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2009
Heyy did u finish the twilight series? lol
inactive user
~~ how are you?
inactive user
Someone from Chattanooga that isn't ancient!
Hey what's kickin'?
I'm from Jasper but I like Chatt town a whole lot better so I just decided to claim it on here.
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