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Zack frost, 37 y.o.
Ann Arbor, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 112.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
So long song:) but not bad:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
Hi:) so, that's good for you:)
inactive user
The video.. I just watched it as well and was like "what the heck, where did I even find it and.. what the heck?"

Aww, why did peoplez delete you? Have they been mean to you?
inactive user
Oh my God! You.. you are alive! I was like "Who is this person claiming to know me". Have you checked our conversation history? The main thing I noticed was my poor English but DUDE, we started talking back in 2010. How cool is that?!
inactive user
'cause the jungle is massive
inactive user
I'd say... no, sorry. not interested in english actually, I can handle with my arabic but thanks.

and that thought about my awesome shirt sounds alright to me 'cause it was an awesome one indeed!
inactive user
I just thought to donate my finger to the finger factory. so nice of me, right?

awww, better write that song and then you can rollll around again
inactive user
you're saying it like somebody's forcing you to make music

mm, let me think. I have green eyes now, I'm bald and I have four fingers on my left hand.

everyday i'm shufflin!
inactive user
according to this "wall to wall" function the last time we spoke before i hit you up with a message was 27 of january. so what has changed since?
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