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Chocolatert, 30 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 85.
inactive user
Oh my God, I just don't believe you! You look so cute on the photos! I think you're too self-critical :)

And I have lots of exams now, so I think I'll use Interpals really rarely, but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you :)
inactive user

二年前かー:D すごい、ぺらぺらだね!
inactive user
skypeのほうがいいかな。もしよければSkypeの id メッセージでください!!(≧∇≦*)
inactive user
i go to Roppongi/tokyo sometimes for hanging out with friend and shopping and watching movies. there is many foreigner living and working and visiting but i havent foreigner friend in real life. ^^;i had chat with foreigner few times in real life ( with german and austrian and ..?? ) i have chat frind from america on skype we talk a lot couse he can speak perfectly japanese. ! :D i learn a bit english from that american. do you have japanese frined ? ;)  ごめん、何書いてるかわからなくなってきた^^;
inactive user
Sorry for not answering so long! University takes much time :(
So how are you? Jogging every day? :)
I don't eat chocolate. I haven't eaten chocolates for about two weeks, and I think I'm going crazy :)
inactive user

oh my English,,I wish so;;
anyway I will do my best:Dthank you :D
inactive user

thank you:D
I want to work for food company:D
but food company is popular for student ,so it is quite difficult to get the job:((
inactive user
日本人かっこいいかわからないけど・・・ xD でも彼らはとてもシャイだと思うの、だからあなたから話かけてあげて^^
きっといい出会いがあるよ!have a nice evening!!! :*
inactive user
you are so kind!thanks
thank you:) now I am on job searching and I will go to USA if I can finish job hunting!haha
Really? That's wonderful! Thank you !
I wanna see White House in Washington someday:D
inactive user
I don't believe you :)
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