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Chantal, 30 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 229.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2009 ever...the only thing that chnged is that i have grduated from school to college.....

so how were dis long time of ur absence going with u?
inactive user
yeah ok i got it.
and i agree that everyone is been so busy lately.
im going straight to my hotmail to send u an email.
inactive user
hi chantal,its me again.
well im really sorry for my late reply
so now,im i forgiven?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2009
wat happened , not seen for a long time?

are the exams still on?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2009
see earlier as two to three months ago i used to go to school which was my routine where my world revolved around my frnds and studies .... :-)
I also luv to dance but haven't joined classes, i joined for music but left it after gaining only the very basic of it, but i have sang in school functions with my group and only one or two times individually (one of which was a competion which won me a second place in dat :-) ).......

but now my routine has fully changed with less of studies and more of roming around and loitering with frnds......

last year i crashed into d habit of reading and writing, so i also read novels nowa days (till my admission in a college), and is enjoying every bit of my carefree life, though for a short time...... :-)

fAMILY! IS A BIG AND IMPORTANT WORD FOR ME , as apart from my strict but so much loving and caring parents i have a sweet little bro(though only three years younger than me ), a grandfather who is old but is worth of his wiseness and dignity(though bcoz of his old age now he is becoming a little unpredictable of his behavior) and ya .... a really big bunch of cousins with their parents ... as my relatives. When we all get together fun and happy moments are the only things which anyone can account for!!

I think i have mentioned every thing, butif u want to know any thing more of me or any query of above u can put up a direct question in ur next msg! :-)

till than bye!
and have Sweet time!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2009
tell me anything about your life there, like ur routine, your friends and ur family!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2009
see u mentioned dat ur exam is on 24th june , so u have all the time in the world..... just take the start from now and ya, make a time plan (which I call as a GAME PLAN) for how to go about each of the subject, divide ur time according to ur preference...............

like if u love to do one subject than d other ,then give dat one the least time as u can pick up speed wid dat any time (as its ur favourite), likewise divide the time f these 20 days and work a little hard, i can surely say u wont fail

And will see only and only success in ur hands...........

I think dis lecture might have bored u , if yes den I appolagise and if no, den say thanx to me , not now but wen u succeed...........

so have a nice time and i wud liketo know more about u, ur surroundings in ur nxt msg .............

so bye..........
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2009
its is a good one to watch , the director has made tremendous effort to bring the words of Dan Brown to the screen ..............

i feel u should watch it atleast one time !!!!

and ya .."ALL THE BEST " FOR UR EXAMS :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2009
hey nw my exams r over and 4 sure i'm gona watch it 2morrow only

In fact i'veread the novel of it written by dan brown and believe me it was awsum does i expect from the movie....

inactive user
hi chantal, its me again and missing u like hell
all is going on good here for so i guess they must go on well for u there too.
are u preparing towards summer?
or are u not in the de mood.
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