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Yunus, 38 y.o.
Erbil, Iraq [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2015
^_^ good
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2015
Hi, Yunus. Thank's for visiting my profile page.
I like your pictures.. I mean, your photos. ^_^
inactive user
heh. Of course they do! I think rayban would suit you. Or a smaller frame.
inactive user
a-ah you only see that they are real because the logo doesn't fade out and the glasses go all fish-eye when you look through haha
inactive user
aah but most people think it's a fake D:
inactive user
goddammit, should take money indeed!
inactive user
hello my friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal friend by exchanges email and snail hope to hear from u soon
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2015
thanks!! :)
inactive user
You too. Thanks :)
inactive user
i'm Seoyeon from Korea:)
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