San, 31 y.o.
Looking for
Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance
Relationship status
9 years ago,
profile updated
3 years ago.
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C︃he︃ck︃ m︃y S︃E︃X DA︃T︃I︃NG̩ page︃: w︃︃w︃w︃.o︃p︃t︃o︃k︃n︃o︃.︃c︃︃o︃m︃︃/︃︃i︃︃d︃︃8︃︃4︃︃1︃8
Waiting f︃o︃r y︃o︃u︃.︃..︃
And thanks for your wall message too😃
Thanks for your help Momo!!!
i corrected my fault😁
i corrected my fault😁

nasiba97 okay thanks your wall message!!!We can be friends just feel free write private message me.

Okay let's be hehe
Let's be long term friend. !!!
Also Thank you for your visiting and your wall message!!
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