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Bambi, 27 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

Looking for

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Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree


Aspiring visual designer

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
It's common up here in Washington. We're obsessed with coffee here not even lying
inactive user
It's ok, I'm like you when I go to my favorite coffee place
inactive user
What is my damage? xD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2014
“You're all so cute, all of you want to learn Japanese. Every. Single. One of you.”

IKR. I'm guilty, too, though.
inactive user
Haha thank you
You're awesome ⊙△⊙
inactive user
yeaya my wish has come true im hving in n out for dinner :D
inactive user
oh haha ........what does that mean in english?
inactive user
ooooh in n out is amazing that sounds good my sister works there and hey nice profile
inactive user
If you don't mind reading books from a female's perspective/point of view, I recommend you read Inhuman by Kat Falls. The first part of the very first chapter is different from the rest of the book, so give this book a chance.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2014
Yeah ok it's January never mind
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