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Дария, 29 y.o.

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 83.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2017
Even Russians? When I wrote my last message, I actually looked it up and there are more than two. The others are just tiny places, some in Ukraine. As for bigger towns in Germany, we have two Frankfurts. The bigger one usually known at the river Main and a smaller one on the river Oder and part of the latter is now Polish. What are those funny stories? If you want to know anything about Germany or have some questions about my language, just ask.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2017
Oh, some things make more sense now. What is that special history? Given that Novgorod means "new city", there are probably even more of them in Russia. In Germany, we have many towns named Neustadt (also new city) so that usually the location is added to the name.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2017
It's not that naive to think that people might have heard about your city. Novgorod used to be an important Rus state with its own power and history before it was conquered by the Muscovites.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2016
i know they can vodka and (as you said) they can fly and they can into almost everything! however i know they cant into communism. do i russia enough yet?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2016
damn thats so cool :D i would love to know how to russia
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2016
well... but at least make him ride a monocycle
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2016
it was a request for taking over the world. can you take over the world while mounting a bear pleeeasee?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2016
great! it was a request tho. im waiting
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2016
can you take over the world while mounting a bear
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2016
is it true that russians can fly
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