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Titah Indyra Pasha, 29 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 509.
inactive user
hi titah!
i'm sorry for replying late since i was busy~
after getting my result im planning to get into matriculation college for a year before entering university. matriculation is for anyone who doesn't have a definite decision on what course to take in university! do you have the same thing in your country?
anyway how are you today? ;)
inactive user
inactive user
hello !!
inactive user
oh sure it's a holiday. today is sunday right?
i've graduated from high school last year. i'm waiting for my result next week so i have about 3 months of holidays. sounds great huh? haha
so, i stay in home most of time~
i just learnt drawing using computer~ you can see it in my album 'draw~' but really it's not that great. heheh
inactive user
omgg you sound just like me! haha ><
oh are you a high school student?
anyway, i saw your profile, you love drawing?
inactive user
I'm sorry:)
I must go.
Bye bye see you^^
inactive user
hi my name is Wawa ^^
how was your day?
inactive user
Chatting with friends Ah ha:) ,you?
inactive user
Scores. ^^
inactive user
I'm Aom ,Nice to meet you ,too :)
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