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Safiyah, 31 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 91.
inactive user
Woah sounds fun fun!!! I'm currently taking a documentary filming class and it's definitely fun!! ^0^
inactive user
Ahaha i've been pretty busy as well!
Woah filming and auditions?!?! Are you like filming documentary or something? :0
You're welcome! :D
inactive user
Maybe you dont come here anymore or idk.
So hi!
Okay that was just awkward haha.
Eh.. Sorry I dont accept friend requests as fast as I used to so yah took me a while to read that small message.
Idk if you forgot about the friend request you've sent me but to answer your question anyways, yes we can absolutely be friends. (:
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2012
thank to add the friend!

plz send to " [email protected] "
i want more talking with you about k-pop / drama / etc
on English!

i'll check the e-mail every day and reply to your e-mail

thank you ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
she like more my parents than me haha

ohhh;; your friends can't come to your house?
that's too bad;_; but maybe next time you can invite them!:)
and... did you make and eat a lot?? that day? hahahahaha
were all foods taste good?? hehe

ohh thank you! hehe
now im followed you :D hehe
sophie! i have to something tell you
these days i can't do interpals
so i'll quit from interpals ;_;
but still we can talk with kakaotalk and twitter! XD hehe
i was lucky to meet you at interpals!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
ohhh sorry sophie
i reply was toooooooooooo late T_T forgive me haha

henna? ohh i know!
isn't it like tatoo? right? xD you do?
wow 박재범?? did you meet?
박재범 is my favorite singer
i think he is better than when he was in 2pm
really i like his songs haha

omg when i was 7~12 years old, i did Kumon hahahaha
wow Kumon in malay too? :0
i did math and science and japanese
i was hate Kumon's math hahaha
everyweek Kumon's teacher come to my home
and everyday i should do Kumon
really i didn't want to do Kumon but my mom make me do-_-;;;

im really bad to sing
and i can't sing in front of people.
cause i'm shy *-_-* LOL
i'm so envious of your sister! ;_;

you're right!
umm you have dream and make every effort for your dream
so i think you can be! i guarantee it :)
and if you go well, fame comes naturally!
i want to live my life like your lifestyle
cause you always do something
studying or working and others haha also you enjoyed!
ummm i can't verbalize, cause my bad english
but i hope you can understand what i want to say hehe
sadly i don't have dream not yet :(
so i'm finding what i want to do.
i hope i can find quickly like you hehe

i like tv program for food & travel
ohhhhhh I already salivate just by thinking about it (-ㅠ-) hahahaha

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh banana mlik
i like l like ahhh no, i love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cause i like sweet things XD

ahh haha
exactly, we don't give prize hahahahahahahaha
penalty?....ummm how can i explain............
first we make put a lot of wasabi in a sushi
and usually we do rock-paper-scissors,
and............loser eat that special sushi XD hahahahahahaha

choco living in my parents home ;_;
she married, and she have one daughter hahahahahahaha
she is 10 years old :0
maybe she is old woman haha
my parents gives me choco when my 10th birthday
really i loved her and still i love her
i miss her ;_; but she don't like me much hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2012
jeonju is city that taste's city haha
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2012
well..i want work in International company :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2012
wasabi ice cream!! sounds great haha
you should make! and let me have a bite :D hahaha

wow really?
what do you want to be?
singer? newscaster? or... ??
whatever i think you are perfect in entertainer!
cause you know a lot of country's culture
and also your got international mind! and... specially food hehe
what is more, you can play guitar and good at sing!
i have never had a chance to hear you sing a song hahahaha
anyway haha i think you can be a good entertainer!! XD

ohh hahahaha
but i like yoghurt too!
it's so delicious ;_;
i like everything of milk!!
milk cheese yoghurt butter whipped cream .... ohhh
today i go to coffee shop for my part-time job
then i plan to eat A LOT OF WHIPPED CREAM (secretly) hahaha

look so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :0
i just googled now!!!! omg omg
i've never seen that before!!
when i before met you, i think i know many foods
but you give me new informations of food!

ohh hahahahahaha
really???? we are same!! LOL
i love spicy food!!
Korea have many spicy food too xD
if you come to Korea
let's go to eat spicy food hehe
of course sushi with wasabi too!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"wasabi battle"ㅋㅋ

wow you have so many animals!
ohh hahaha you waiting for turkey can gobble? hahahaha XD
i didn't see turkey alive
just duck or chicken :-0 haha

i really love choco XD
but i hope choco be more bigger dog haha
i love to hug choco but umm i think she don't like do that LOL
yep you're right i think so too
animal can be better than humans
sometimes i feel that, when i see my choco hehe

your family do open house today!! right? XD
i hope you and your family
and your neighbor have a good time in your home!
i wish i'll be there hehe

Sophie do you have twitter account?
if you have, tell me hehe
i'll follow you :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2012
You are good at Korean :D
Most of my foreign friends write my name 민히 :D
You write perfectly!

Oh, You play guitar? It is amazing instrument. I really love the sound :D
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